1938 Hurricane Photographs
Newport, Rhode Island, Area

Washington Square Before. The Opera House on the right and the Strand Theater beyond before it was modified. Part of the sign says "Jack Oakie...Fight for Your Lady...Dr. Syn". Big
These photos (most are printed on postcard stock) were purchased on eBay. Click on an image to enlarge (800 pixels wide), click on "Big" for a 1200 pixel wide version. Pictures to 69 were numbered on the back. With the exception of 6, they have been scanned in order. Images 70 to 92 are from a different source and are not as clear, so a larger size was not created for most.
13. Big 14. In front of the Court House, Washington Square Big 15. In front of the Court House, Washington Square Big
97. Washington Square - Colony House behind photographer. Big 98. Brick Market on left. Big  99. Brick Market on left, looking down Long Wharf. Big 

100. Thames Street. Big On the back, "Washington Street after hurricane - 1938. Big 18. Looking down Long Wharf Big
17. J. T. O'Connell, 89 Long Wharf  Big 101. Long Wharf. J. T. Oconnell at the fart left. Big 102. Long Wharf, "Bessie's Baby". Big
19. Long Wharf Big 20. Seattle Lobster House, 138 Long Wharf  Big 21. Long Wharf - The Old Colony House in the distance Big

If you can identify any of the pictures, please let me know. Thanks!

Jamestown 1938 Hurricane Pictures
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Copyright © 2005-9 Susan Carter White Pieroth