Conanicut Park, Jamestown, RI
Point View

An ad in the 1918 Jamestown directory Postcard mailed in 1928

From Cover of the Brochure
The Point View is situated at the northern end of Conanicut Island, overlooking a large expanse of Narragansett Bay.

The three acres of lawns and gardens extending to the water's edge furnish ample space for rest and relaxation.

All cooking and baking for the Point View dining rooms are under the supervision of Mrs. Erickson.
Jamestown is on the Island of Conanicut, situated at the entrance of Narragansett Bay. The south end of the island projects its rocky coast into the ocean between Newport and Narraganset Pier; the north end, Conanicut Park, is surrounded by the more peaceful waters of Narragansett Bay. As a summer resort, Jamestown is unsurpassed. During the summer there are bright sunny days, which, however, are cooled by the prevailing southwest breeze as it come fresh and invigorating from the ocean. Rarely is there an oppressive day and the nights are always cool and refreshing. Jamestown offers excellent fishing, boating, bathing, golfing and tennis.

The new Jamestown Bridge connects the island with Saunderstown and there is convenient ferry service to Newport.

For further information write or phone Theodore Erickson, Manager

[This would have been published in the early 1940's. Click images to enlarge.]

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