Amelia (Carter) & William DeWitt Kennedy
Scranton (Providence), Pennsylvania

My great great grandparents, Olive Ingalls Carter and Pulaski Carter
My great great grandparents, Olive Ingalls Carter and Pulaski Carter

Amelia Maria Carter Kennedy, daughter of the couple pictured above, researched the genealogies of her family and that of her husband, William DeWitt Kennedy. I inherited most of her notes, documentation, correspondence, society applications and certificates, and some of the books that she used for her research. I have since purchased many others. The files of Amelia Maria [I always heard it pronounced Ma-ri'-ya with a long i] Carter Kennedy revealed that she wrote the biographies for her father and husband that have been published in several books. These pages are designed to share some of this unique information, along with material acquired from other sources over the years.

Short Biography of Pulaski Carter [spelled Polaski until 1834, according to page 48 of Amelia's Red Notebook]

Full Pulaski Carter Biography, plus Carter, Butts, Ingalls, & others.

Article: Pulaski Carter; Manufacturer of Axes and Edge Tools, Providence, Pennsylvania

Capouse Works of Pulaski Carter with Map

New Rolling Mills at Providence

Family Listings in City Directories for Scranton 1859 - 1900

Westminster Cemetery, Canterbury, Connecticut

Carter & Kennedy in Dunmore Cemetery, Scranton, Pennsylvania

Biography of James Schofield Kennedy

Kennedy, Jayne, Stephens, and Scofield Genealogy ScannedAmelia Carter Kennedy's handwritten notebook

Connecticut Butts Genealogy ScannedAmelia Carter Kennedy's handwritten notebook

Ancestry of William De Witt Kennedy

Amelia Carter Kennedy's scanned Red Notebook. It contains the genealogy of the Carter, Spaulding, Ingalls and Butts families.

The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, PA: Old postcards, photos and 1919 yearbook

50th Wedding Anniversaries, Mr. & Mrs. James S. Kennedy, and Mr. & Mrs. William D. Kennedy

Ancestry of Maria Van Vliet, Wife of John Kennedy


Jayne Genealogy Notes and Correspondence

Some Cemetery Gravestones for Jayne and Woodhull in the:

Setauket Caroline Episcopal Churchyard, Setauket, Long Island, NY
Setauket Presbyterian Churchyard, Setauket, Long Island, New York
Letter From Holloway Stephens

History of Nicholson with Stephens Genealogy

Nicholson / Tunkhannock Viaduct, Nicholson, PA

Stephens Cemetery, Nicholson, Pennsylvania

Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), Ezra Griffin Post No. 139

Pennsylvania Sons of the Revolution: Eliphalet & Ebenezer Stephens Records

Revolutionary War Record of William Hibbard, including the Wyoming Massacre

Societies Amelia Carter Kennedy joined: Daughters of the American
      Revolution (DAR), Colonial Dames, National Society of Daughters
      of Founders and Patriots of American, National Society of The Sons
      and Daughters of the Pilgrims

Neff and Pendleton Genealogy Information

Pendleton Genealogy: Rhode Island

Scranton Information

1887 Williams' Scranton Directory - scanned NEW August 2020

Early (late 1800's to early 1900's) Photographs of Greater Scranton

Vintage Scranton Area Postcards

Scranton Churches 

Schools in and around Scranton - old postcard views

Hotel Jermyn Brochure

"A Glimpse of the City of Scranton and Lackawanna Valley," brochure by The Scranton Railway Company

The City of Scranton and Vicinity and Their Resources c1894 Prominent Men, With Portraits

The Pennsylvania Wyoming Valley in 1892, including scanned pages

Home for the Friendless, Scranton, PA

"Carter & Kennedy Building Occupied by Foote & Shear and J. Scott Inglis and J. D. Williams & Bro. Co. Building fell Fury to the Flames" November 10, 1906

The Hotel Casey, 1909-2001, Scranton, PA

Helpful Published Materials

I have contributed a lot of material to the Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, PAGenWeb Project Site. The material is of general interest, such as scans of directories, almanacs, maps, and documents.
  1. Portrait and Biographical Record of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. (New York and Chicago: Chapman Publishing Co., 1897). Download free from
  2. History of Luzerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties, Pennsylvania. (New York: W. W. Munsell & Co., 1880). Download free from
  3. History of Scranton, Pennsylvania. David Craft, William A. Wilcox, Alfred Hand, J. Wooldridge, (Dayton, Ohio: Published for H. W. Crew by the United Brethren Publishing House, 1891). Download from, or view on, Google.- as well as
  4. Genealogical and Family History of the Wyoming and Lackawanna Valleys, Pennsylvania. Hon. Alfred Hand, John W. Jordon, edited by Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, (New York and Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1906). Download free from Volume I; Volume II.
  5. History of Scranton and Its People. Col. Frederick L. Hitchcock, (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1914). The scanned books can be ready, searched and downloaded at Volume I; Volume II.
  6. Spalding Memorial; a genealogical history of Edward Spalding, of Massachusetts Bay, and his descendants (1872) (Free search and download).
  7. The genealogy and history of the Ingalls Family in America (1903) by Burleigh (Free search and download)

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Copyright 1997- Susan White Pieroth